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We love to see our amazing supporters coming up with new ideas to fundraise.

So, whether you’re a seasoned fundraiser or a first-timer, do something you love this Harvest

Need some inspiration? Choose from our selection of activities and challenges to spark new ideas and make them your own.  

Set up your fundraising page

Fundraise in your community

  • Quiz night: get quizzical with your friends and hold a quiz night at your church hall, community centre or local pub.  
  • Ceilidh: pull on your dancing shoes, hire a good band and recruit a caller who knows all the dances and can help those with two left feet. Charge for admission and refreshments. 
  • Talent show: organise a Britain’s Got Talent style event and charge for admission.  
  • Supermarket/train station collection: arrange a date for a collection at your local supermarket or train station. Get in touch for more information on how to do this. 
Image credits and information i
Credit: Alex Baker/ Christian Aid
People dancing at dancing in a large tent at a festival
Image credits and information i
Credit: Lesley Martin
Supporters in fancy dress for Christian Aid at the Tay Bridge Cross fundraising event

Fundraise at work

  • Different dress day: whether you dress up in your finest clothes, or dress down in your comfiest clobber, charge everyone to take part. Mix it up a bit and do a fancy-dress day or a wear your funniest shirt or tie day – be as creative as your boss will allow! 
  • Car wash: wash all the cars in your office car park and ask for donations.  
  • Matched giving: many workplaces match what you fundraise – ask yours if they do too! It’s the easiest way to double your total. 
Take part in 70K in May

Help us raise vital funds for Christian Aid Week by taking on the challenge of 70K in May. Create your fundraising page in just a few minutes.

Fundraise at school

  • Non-uniform day: ask your headteacher about a dress-down day with each child donating to take part. Make it more fun and wear red for Christian Aid! 
  • Collect coins: give each child in your class a tube of Smarties to fill with £1/€1 coins when they’ve finished the sweets. Or ask each child to collect copper coins from their friends and families. 
  • Sports day: turn your school sports day into a fundraiser, charging people to enter. Don’t forget to sell refreshments to raise extra cash! 
Image credits and information i
Credit: Christian Aid
Circle the city 2019
Christian Aid Week 2022

Fundraise at home

  • Movie night: bring Hollywood to your home! Organise a film night with DVDs, drinks and popcorn at your home – all for a small donation, of course! 
  • Garden party: hold a party or an open garden event. Choose your own or other local gardens that people would pay to visit, and have stalls, games and refreshments too. 
  • Cook it: invite your friends for a slap-up meal cooked by you, for a suitable donation. It could be a gourmet meal or a delicious BBQ; just serve up your signature dish. 
Create your fundraiser

Do your own thing this Harvest. The first step to creating your perfect fundraiser is to set up your fundraising page.

Fundraise at church

  • Coffee morning or afternoon tea: whether morning’s your thing, or afternoon is more your cup of tea, invite your friends, family and congregation to join you for tea, coffee or cake in your church hall.  
  • Sell it: bake some cakes to sell after church, or get green-fingered, planting extra seedlings and holding a plant sale. Organise a car boot or tabletop sale in your church hall, get rid of your unwanted belongings and charge others for tables to sell theirs.  
  • Choir concert: ask your church choir to put on a concert and charge for admission. 
Image credits and information i
Credit: Christian Aid / Joseph Cabon
Volunteers and staff enjoy a Big Brekkie
Image credits and information i
Credit: Alex Baker/ Christian Aid
Christian Aid supporter at Greenbelt Festival 2019

Fundraise on your own

  • Hair: shave your hair or beard or dye your hair a bright colour and get sponsorship for ruining your treasured locks. 
  • Give it up: whether your favourite thing is chocolate, coffee or cheese, get sponsored to give it up for a month (or even longer!) 
  • Yes day: say yes to everyone’s demands (within reason) and ask people to sponsor you to do so. 
Get in touch

We really value hearing from our supporters, whether it's questions about your fundraising, accessing resources or feedback.