Activity print page
We have now added a new print page button to all of our activities pages.
Note: this button will not be visible on mobile phones.
Should you wish to have a printable version of your activity page you will now be able to have an easily accessible print page that will display your activities title, summary and banner. This page can be used to to show how your activity doing in terms of reaching it's target and features a small group of qr codes that can be torn off to spread awareness of your activity.
All you have to do is visit the activity page you would like to print out and you will see our new print page button inside the meta-data area. Clicking on this button will take you to a new page where you will see a print friendly version of the activity.
However should you see the print page looks a little off then there are a couple of print settings you can set to hopefully resolve these errors.
Inside "Print Settings" you will want to make sure that "Background graphics" are set to on and that page margins have also been set to On.
Once you are happy with the page you can either download it as a pdf or you will be able to print the page directly.
Can I attribute money raised offline towards my online page?
There is currently no direct way to enter a sum collected offline to go with the money raised directly through your fundraising page online.
One method of combining both sums would be for any money raised offline could be paid into your bank account and then you make a donation of that sum online to your own page.
Can I change any of the fields after creating a page?
Yes, you can change all the fields you originally entered when creating your page.
To change these fields, make sure you are logged into the website.
Then click on 'My dashboard' in the main menu.
Then click on 'Edit' on the page you wish to edit. You can then amend any of the fields. Make sure to then click 'Save' for the changes to take effect.
Can I change the currency on my page?
Users visiting the fundraise.christianaid.org.uk site only have the option of setting GBP.
For users in Ireland visiting the fundraise.christianaid.ie site, you have the option to set the currency as either GBP or EUR when creating a page. Also, once created, you can go back and edit your page and change the currency.
Can I create more than one page?
Yes, you can create as many as you like for yourself or if you are creating them for an organisations/churches that you may be representing.
You can view all the pages created on the 'My dashboard' page, found in the main menu.
Can I hide a specific comment on my page?
You have the ability to control whether you want all comments to be publicly visible or hidden on your page. They will be displayed by default but after you have created your page, you can then go back and edit your page and select to hide them if you would prefer.
However if you are simply wanting one or two removed from your page, then please contact us.
Can I personalise my page?
Yes, you can personalise the title, summary, story and banner.
We have created three ready-to-use banners for you (one in Welsh language), however, you can alternatively upload your own image to use as the banner at the top of your page.
Can I see any envelope fundraising pages I created previously?
Yes, if you have previously created an envelope fundraiser page, this will shown on the 'My dashboard' page.
You will need to log in first to view the dashboard page and ensure you are using the same user account you created previously. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset this.
The old page will be shown as 'Closed' meaning you are unable to edit it and donations will no longer count towards the target.
Any new envelope, fundraising or challenge pages will also be accessible here going forward.
How are regular donations reflected in the fundraising progress bar/totaliser?
The totaliser bar, charting fundraising progress towards the target amount is displayed on each envelope page. It measures all the donations made towards that page.
Every one-off donation will be attributed and added to the progress bar by each donation amount.
However, for regular donations (e.g. a £5 monthly gift), the progress bar will just increase only once (£5). It will not update and reflect each subsequent monthly donation.
How do I access the additional settings for my page?
You need to create a page first. Then you can edit to access the additional settings.
To do so, make sure you are logged into the website. Then click on 'My dashboard' in the main menu. Then click on 'Edit' on the page you wish to edit.
If you are editing a page, you should then see additional settings:
- you can change the URL of your page
- you can turn comments off so none are shown on your page
- you can hide your name from displaying in the banner
- you can hide your page from being returned in the search results
If you are editing a fundraiser or challenge, you will also see the above options, plus these extra options below:
- you can change the close date of the page
- you can add a location to your challenge page
Users on our Ireland site also have the ability switch the currency between GBP and EUR.
How do I change the URL of my page?
When you create a page, the title of your page will be used as the web address URL.
If your title is not unique, then rather than seeing /my-envelope you may see /my-envelope-0 or /my-envelope-1 etc. You do have the ability to change this after creating your page.
Log in to your account and navigate to your dashboard.
Then click on edit the page. In option 6, you will see web address field. Here is where you can change the URL of your page.
Click save and your page should display the new URL in the browser address bar.
How do I close/delete my page?
All Envelope pages will automatically be closed to new donations on 30 June 2024. So please make sure any donations are made by midnight on the 29 June 2024.
For Fundraise your way or 70k in May pages, you have the option to set your own close date.
For all pages, you will receive an email notification the day before they close to remind you that the page will be closing.
Closed means the page will still exist but the donate button will be removed from the page so visitors to the page will no longer be able to donate.
You are currently unable to delete your own fundraising page. To delete your page entirely, please contact us.
What happens if I raise more than my set target?
Firstly, congratulations!
Nothing will happen as such, your page will continue to raise funds. You may choose to increase your target. You can do this by logging in and editing the target field of your page to have a higher donation amount.
What's the difference between an Envelope, Fundraise your way or Challenge page?
We have tailored the fundraising page types to suit the fundraising activity you are undertaking.
Each page type has different banner images you can select, relevant to the activity.
Our Fundraise your way and Challenge pages have additional functionality that allows an event venue and date, as well as allowing you to post updates on the pages which typically isn’t needed for an Envelope.
We have also set the Envelope pages to close collectively on the 14 October 2024 so we can collate our grand total from Harvest envelope activity and communicate your impact back to you. The other two page types may be used for activity year-round so can select their own closing dates.
Will I be able to see all the names of the donors to my page?
No, you will only see the names of the donors who also decide to leave a comment when donating and choose to not hide their name.
If they donate without leaving a comment, or choose to remain anonymous when leaving a comment, then you will not see the name of the donor.
Will I be notified if someone donates to my page?
This is a new feature for this year! When creating a page you have the option to enable/disable email notifications when someone donates to your page.
Note you will get an email notification for the very first donation to your page, but nothing after that if you have chosen to disable donation notifications.
Don't forget, you will still receive other email notifications when your page total reaches 50%, 75% and 100% of your target, and an alert to let you know when your page is close to closing.
Will the money I raise go towards the Christian Aid Week or can I choose another fund?
At the moment, all funds will go to our Christian Aid Week Appeal. If you would like to donate to another appeal, you can browse our other active appeals here.
How to create and edit a fundraising page
Watch our tutorial to lean how to create and edit your fundraise page.
Note: this tutorial is for creating envelopes but the same principle can be applied across all fundraise page types.